Tuesday, April 12, 2011


1.     All authorities are ordained by God with the mandate of governing a nation for the common good. [Romans 13:1]
2.     The Bible does not prescribe the form of government but states what are the indicia of good government. A good government is one that is just, not tyrannical and oppressive; fair, impartial and equitable; incorruptible, not open to bribes; honest and open; and righteous and careful to legislate just laws.
3.     Malaysia’s political system is based on parliamentary democracy. A democratic government is a government of the people, by the people and for the people. It is elected by the people through the process of free, fair and open elections held regularly.
4.     In Malaysia we have an elected federal government as well as elected state governments. We elect representatives to the federal Parliament and the State legislative body. In the 10th Sarawak State Elections we are electing State Assemblymen to the Council Negeri. The Council Negeri makes laws. From these elected representatives a Cabinet is formed to administer the state of Sarawak in accordance with the Federal and State Constitutions and the Rule of Law.
5.     We are instructed to Honour all people, Love the brethren; Fear the Lord and Honour the king[ 1 Peter 2: 17] . In a democracy like Malaysia, the government comes from the will of the people as expressed through regular elections. Therefore, in the same way as we honour all people we also honour the authorities which come from the people; and authorities are not to be feared, only God is to be feared.
6.     In this forthcoming 10th Sarawak State Election, Christians are called to seek the welfare and good of Sarawak and the people of Sarawak. We are to pray for a good government that will fulfill the mandate which God had placed on all authorities. We are to exercise the responsible  the right to vote and to ensure that such a good government is voted into power.
7.     We are to pray that the right to vote can be exercised free from intimidation, undue influence and bribery and corruption. We are to exercise our vote free from such intimidation, undue influence and bribery and corruption.
8.     We must vote freely secure in the knowledge that whichever party is voted into government will be vested with all the powers, authority and financial resources of the state to bring development and good governance to Sarawak and the peoples of Sarawak.
9.     So as Priests, Pastors and Elders of this congregation, we call upon all members of this congregation to actively exercise our rights and responsibility as citizens of our beloved nation and state and to ensure that a good government which will ensure that there will be good governance is voted into power.
10.            May God bless Sarawak and Malaysia and her citizens.